Welcome to the Chile Lindo Newsletter archive. Published since 2009.
Access archived newsletters that cover a broad spectrum of Chilean events in San Francisco, the Mission district scene, and #TheChileLindoNetwork productions.
- Empanadas & Cakes at ENSO HOLIDAY BAZAAR in Half Moon Bay (12/02/2024)
- Add a Chilean Accent to Your Thanksgiving with Walnut Milhojas & Empanada Appetizers (11/20/2024)
- MARIA – Director Pablo Larraín & Cinematographer Ed Lachman at Smith Rafael Film Center l Theatre of Yugen: A Noh Christmas Carol (12/11/2024)
- The Sculpture Studio features Allison Lovejoy and Gary Kamiya – 3PM (10/18/2024)
- September, October & Now November Updates & Reports (11/13/2024)
- In loving memory of Coach Pedro Órdenes, founder of Water World Swim (1946-2024)(8/20/24)
- Anita Tijoux at the Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, Saturday, August 3rd, 1-3 PM. FREE Concert (8/2/24)
- TONIGHT, Chile vs Argentina at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Watch Party in SF at Bissap Baobab 6PM (SPT) (6/25/24)
- HOY Chile vs Perú! Watch Party at Bissap Baobab 5PM, Chile Lindo Empanadas & Chilean Wine from Vino Sur Wine Importer (6/21/24)
- Chile in Copa América 2024. When & Where to Watch! ⚽ Shipping Services NOW Available (6/14/2024)
- TOMORROW Pablo Larrain’s TONY MANERO at ROXIE THEATRE & Chile Lindo Update (4/24/2024)
- EXTRA!! EXTRA!! 2024 Irish Arts & Writers Festival “The Look of The Irish: A Celebration of Diversity in Irish Arts & Culture (3/21/2024)
- Chile Lindo on KCBS Radio’s Foodie Chap w/ Liam Mayclem & Tablehopper’s Marcia Gagliardi. Fires swept through the Valparaíso Region, including Viña del Mar (3/8/2024)
- Marcia Gagliardi reviews Chile Lindo for tablehopper & Music for Twelve Pianos (2/2/2024)
- The Settlers, JAN 25 to JAN 28, Roxie Theatre, SF (1/25/2024)
- Happy New Year from Chile Lindo, San Francisco (1/4/2024)
- TONIGHT: SF Songbird Festival presents ALEXANDRA RIELOFF TRIO at Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture. SUNDAY 10/22: Special Screening of THE ETERNAL MEMORY with Maite Alberdí Q&A (10/20/2023)
- TODAY: From Viña del Mar, José Basso at CK Contemporary, San Francisco: Luces Del Sur Del Mundo SAT 10/14 5-8 PM (10/20/2023)
- OCTOBER NEWSLETTER: SF Songbird Festival, José Basso at CK Contemporary, Marin County Free Library Open House, Sister Cities Fundraiser, Cine+ Film Festival (10/5/2023)
- SAT, SEP 23, 8PM, Chile Lindo presents the ALEXANDRA RIELOFF TRIO at Amado’s (9/23/2023)
- NEWSLETTER: SEPTEMBER IS HERE! Chilean Independence Day Events, Flower Piano, Alexandra Rieloff Trio at Amados, Patricio Guzman’s The Battle of Chile at the Roxie Theatre (9/6/2023)
- NEWSLETTER: SUNDAY! Chilean Fine Pastry POP-UP in the MARINA at BOWERBIRD GIFT GALLERY, AUGUST 20th – 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM (8/16/2023)
- Chile Lindo Newsletter: Bay Area Premiere of La memoria infinita (The Eternal Memory) directed by Maite Alberdi. Opens August 18 (8/8/2023)
- Hallelujah, WE WON thanks to YOU! Centro Chileno Lautaro Concert, Cine+ Mas Film Festival & Feliz Navidad, Prospero Año y Felicidad. (12/24/2020)
- The Bold Italic 2020 Awards nominated Chile Lindo and Slate Bar for “Off the Beaten Track at 16th & Capp” Please VOTE! (12/12/2020)
- Fiestas Patrias Celebration, Friday, Sept 18th, Off the Beaten Track features BANDA SIN NOMBRE, 5PM TO 9PM (9/15/2020)
- Friday, July 24th, Off the Beaten Track features Sunset Piano’s Mauro Fortíssimo, Anthony Ty, Allyson Lovejoy, Suzanne Ramsey and Charith Premawardhana–6 to 9 PM (7/23/2020)
- TONIGHT: Friday, July 17th, Off the Beaten Track features, from Spain, LA MANDANGA, ¡Olé! 6 to 9 PM (7/17/2020)
- Off the Beaten Track, 16th & Capp, Fridays’ Music, Drinks, Sushi, Empanadas, & Dance! July 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st from 6 to 9 PM (6/6/2020)
- Thank You #ChileLindoNetwork! Bay Area Deliveries: Wednesday North Bay, Thursday East Bay and Friday North Bay (5/4/2020)
- Chile Lindo is Open for Business! Bay Area Delivery and Pick-Up Orders l Empanada Special: $75 a Dozen (3/24/2020)
- Chile Lindo’s 25th–a Party to Remember Thanks to YOU! (3/9/2020)
- CLAS (Center for Latin American Studies) presents GABRIEL BORIC – Upheaval in Chile, 2/10th @ 3pm l COLUM MCCANN & ISABEL ALLENDE 3/11 @ 7pm (2/8/2020)
- Celebrate 25 Years of Chile Lindo, A Labor of Love! FIESTA – Sunday, February 16th at AMADO’S, 7:00 PM (2/6/2020)
- SAVE the DATE: Chile Lindo 25th Anniversary Party! Sunday, February 16th. AMADO’S, 7:00 PM #TheChileLindoNetwork (1/17/2020)
- $10.00 + 10 Minutes for Centro Arte Alameda. Photo: “Danza en la urbe” by Pachy Paz (1/6/2020)
- Support Centro Arte Alameda #Chile #TheChileLindoNetwork (12/30/2019)
- Saturday, October 12th, Freight & Salvage: El Sur También Existe, Musical Dreams featuring John Santos Trio, Osvaldo Torres & Silvia Balducci, Marci Manriquez Band, Luis Valverde Andean Dance Troupe #TheChileLindoNetwork (10/09/2019)
- Raúl Ruiz (posthumous) & Valeria Sarmiento’s “The Wandering Soap Opera” (“La telenovela errante,” 1990 – 2017) Sunday, October 6th, 2:00 PM at Mojo Theatre, presented by Chile California Council and Chile Lindo (9/28/2019)
- SEPTEMBER Newsletter – ¡Feliz 18! Chilean Independence Day Celebrations, Sausalito-Viña Sister Cities’ Trunk Sale, Chilean Vineyards at Wines of the Andes–Sponsor: Vino Sur (9/5/2019)
- AUGUST Newsletter – Welcome Agep-V Sausalito-Viña Sister Cities Delegation, Wines of the Andes, Danny Grewen w/ Ellis Dyson & the Shambles, and more… Sponsor: Vino Sur (8/17/2019)
- JULY Newsletter l Chile Lindo featured in SF Chronicle Datebook. Weekend Highlights: Isabel Allende at Book Passage, Flower Piano at SF Botanical Garden… and more. – Sponsor: Vino Sur (7/19/2019)
- JUNE Newsletter l OPENING TONIGHT Roxie Theater Chilean Film “Too Late to Die Young” Jun 28 – Jul 4 l Sponsor: Vino Sur (6/28/2019)
- MAY Newsletter l Our Planet Needs Us To Act TODAY! TOMPKINS CONSERVATION Is Leading The Way in Chile l Sponsor: Vino Sur (5/29/2019)
- April Newsletter: Dream Sponsor Vino Sur · San Francisco City of Poets · Earth Day (3/20/2019)
- March Newsletter: 8M women’s strike in Chile · Chilean Cultural Festival · Sebastian Errazuriz in Blu Marble NYC · Pascuala Ilabaca (3/20/2019)
- February Newsletter l Everybody LOVES Chile Lindo. #TheChileLindoNetwork (2/18/2019)
- January Newsletter l Features The Ice Skater, New Year Animation by Jan Van Buyten #TheChileLindoNetwork (1/15/2019)
- “Regalo de Dios” Illustration by Freddy Agurto Parra, Chile (12/24/2018)
- Cheers, the Holidays are Here!! Thank you Sharon Miller, Executive Director of the Renaissance Entreprenership Center, for Your Integral Support of Small Businesses!. (12/10/2018)
- Silvio Caiozzi’s San Francisco Retrospective a hit! Thank you to everyone who attended the 1st Cine Chileno in San Francisco!! #TheChileLindoNetwork (11/29/2018)
- Thank you Mission Local, El Desconcierto, LatinSF – GlobalSF, Fractured Atlas! SEE YOU ON SUN NOV 11, 2018, The Castro Theatre #TheChileLindoNetwork (11/09/2018)
- ONE MORE WEEK TO GO!!!!! THANK YOU SAN FRANCISCO WOMEN IN THE PRESS!!! Nina Serrano KPFA 94.1 FM, Laura Fraenza SF/ARTS, Pam Grady SF Chronicle, Lauren Smiley SF Magazine, Denise Sullivan, SF Examiner, Lydia Chavez Mission Local (11/04/2018)
- Columnist Pam Grady, SF Chronicle Sunday Datebook, features Cine Chileno in San Francisco AND Join us to welcome newly appointed Consul General of Chile in SF, Guillermo Martínez, at the next Pisco Sour Happy Hour #TheChileLindoNetwork (10/29/2018)
- Chile Lindo featured in ChileGlobal Network, James Suckling’s Wine of the Andes in SF, Stookey’s Club Moderne Pisco Sour Happy Hour SUN, OCT 7 @ 5:00 PM #TheChileLindoNetwork (10/04/2018)
- OSCARS CONTENDER: Silvio Caiozzi’s film “…And Suddenly the Dawn” selected Chile’s entry for Best Foreign Language Film at 91st Academy Awards–Showing at The Castro Theater, San Francisco (09/14/2018)
- Newsletter: September EVENTS! And ¡FELIZ 18! Chilean Independence Day in #SF #TheChileLindoNetwork (08/28/2018)
- THE POSTER for Cine Chileno in San Francisco is READY! SUN NOV 11, 2018 CASTRO THEATER #TheChileLindoNetwork (08/17/2018)
- #TheChileLindoNetwork AT WORK! (08/05/2018)
- Summer Community Events & Cine Chileno in San Francisco #TheChileLindoNetwork (06/23/2018)
- SF Examiner Columnist Denise Sullivan features Chile Lindo’s Paula Tejeda (06/05/2018)
- Thursday, MAY 24th, AMERICO at Roccapulco, featuring DJ Julicio (05/21/2018)
- (In Spanish) April Newsletter: Gaceta Chilena, Festival Cultural Chileno, Américo en San Francisco (04/23/2018)
- Matias Bombal interviews Daniela Vega & Sebastián Lelio, “A Fantastic Woman” 2018 Oscar Winner (03/31/2018)
- A Fantastic Woman at the Roxie (03/05/2018)
- Movie News, News, Chile Lindo San Francisco (02/27/2018)
Newsletter archive from 2009 to 2016
- Chilean Cinema Featured in San Francisco at The 8th Cine+Más Latino Film Festival. ¡Felices Fiestas Patrias! (09/08/2016)
- TODAY Copa Amrica Centenario Final Match Chile vs Argentina @ 5 PM PST (6/26/2016)
- GOOOOOL Al Merkn x 7! Chie vs Colombia Wed June 22 @ 5 PM Slate Bar #Copa100 (6/21/2016)
- TODAY 7 PM: Chie vs Mexico Slate Bar SF #Copa100 (6/18/2016)
- TOMORROW 5 PM: Chie vs Panama Slate Bar SF #Copa100 (6/13/2016)
- TOMORROW 4 PM: Chie vs Bolivia Slate Bar SF #Copa100 (6/9/2016)
- TONIGHT: Chile vs Argentina at Slate Bar, SF (6/6/2016)
- Goooool al Merkn Empanada, Veramonte Wine, and Kappa Pisco Sour (6/5/2016)
- Copa Amrica Party in San Francisco, CA. Copa Amrica Carrete! (5/28/2016)
- Happy New Year! Tomorrow: Alejandro Venegas, Sebastian Monreal, Antonio Novoa (1/3/2016)
- Holiday Store Hours (12/24/2015)
- From Chile to Rev Caf in SF Alejandro Venegas, Sebastian Monreal, Antonio Novoa (12/18/2015)
- Agep-V & Sausalito-Via del Mar Sister Cities Celebrate Hecho en Valparaso (11/20/2015)
- From Chile, Nano Stern in SF Oct. 3 & Berkeley Oct. 4 (10/2/2015)
- Do you believe in Chile Lindo? (9/24/2015)
- Chile Lindo presents: Viva Chile 2015– Catalina Claro & Banda Sin Nombre (9/1/2015)
- HOY! AMERICO Y SU ORQUESTA en San Francisco – Cumbia Y Empanadas (8/8/2015)
- Chile Lindo Vegan Empanadas at VERY VEGAN SUNDAY at SoMa StrEat Food Park (8/4/2015)
- Save-The-Date: Chile Lindo presents Catalina Claro in SF – SAT SEPT 19th! (8/2/2015)
- A BAILAR CUMBIA! Tickets @ Chile Lindo–AMERICO Y SU ORQUESTA en San Francisco (7/22/2015)
- Mirkarimi’s wife Eliana Lopez makes SF Sheriff proud with What is the Scandal? (7/6/2015)
- Encuentros is Back! In Rotterdam. (6/27/2015)
- Copa America Chile vs Bolivia at StrEat Food Park (6/18/2015)
- Mario Rojas is La Cueca Brava at La Pea’s 40th Anniversary (6/12/2015)
- Chile to Host Copa Amrica 2015 (6/8/2015)
- Mirkarimi’s wife Eliana Lopez asks: What is the Scandal? (5/31/2015)
- Fito Paez Live in Concert in San Francisco (5/27/2015)
- Sausalito-Via del Mar Sister Cities 007 Fashion Fundraiser 2015 (3/20/2015)
- Mission Local Profile and Catalina Claro in SF (12/9/2014)
- Press Conference for Lawrence Maxwell (11/24/2014)
- SF Mayor Ed Lee meets Catalina Claro & Local Jazz Musicians (11/11/2014)
- Catalina Claro in Concert (10/29/2014)
- Chile Lindo Presents Catalina Claro Live in Concert (10/21/2014)
- Celebrate Chilean Independence Day at Chile Lindo (9/17/2014)
- Agep-V video Sausalito Sister Cities & More (8/8/2014)
- Francisca Valenzuela 2014/07/22, 2:17 PM (7/25/2014)
- Chile Lindo Open 4th of July (7/2/2014)
- Jorge Gonzalez Los Prisioneros USA Tour Cancelled (6/16/2014)
- Our Mission No Eviction ULUV Music Day and More (6/12/2014)
- ULUV Music is Here (5/20/2014)
- El Tecolote Benefit Dance (5/13/2014)
- Rafael Daly Exhibits Photo Show at BebeBar (4/29/2014)
- Emergency Fundraiser for Valparaiso (4/24/2014)
- Why Earth Day (4/13/2014)
- Mochi Parra, Matias Bombal, Anita Tijoux, and More (3/15/2014)
- Film “Gloria” Submitted for Acadamy Award (3/4/2014)
- 007 Fundraiser for Sausalito-Via del Mar Sister Cities Program (2/20/2014)
- Director’s Talk Sebastian Silva at UC Berkeley (2/17/2014)
- Aloha, Life of the Broke & Famous (2/17/2014)
- Holiday Schedule & Merry Christmas from Chile Lindo (12/17/2013)
- Almirante Charles Wooster Plaque in Northern California (11/22/2013)
- 2nd Annual Chile California Conference (10/16/2013)
- Red Poppy Presents Alexandra & MamaCoatl (9/21/2013)
- Celebrate Chilean Independence Day with a Chile Lindo Empanada (9/17/2013)
- Center for Latin American Studies presents “Missing” (9/8/2013)
- German von Appen Exhibit at Sausalito Art Festival (8/29/2013)
- Campaign Created 2013/08/25, 6:47 PM (8/27/2013)
- MANYA – A Living Historie of Marie Curie (8/25/2013)
- Centro Chileno Lautaro Sept 18th Celebration (8/25/2013)
- Chilean Artist Collaborate on Film – Nando Grancelli and Axel Herrera (8/6/2013)
- Join Rolando Ortega, Consul General of Chile, for Cueca Workshops (7/26/2013)
- Tonight Chico Trujillo in San Francisco (7/24/2013)
- Farewell Ceremony to Rafael Manriquez (7/3/2013)
- Free Cueca Workshop organized by Chile Lindo (6/30/2013)
- Fernando Mardones Tragic Accident Communicado (6/25/2013)
- Two Fundraising Event for La Pea Mural (6/24/2013)
- Cueca Workshop Organized by Chile Lindo (6/22/2013)
- Sister Cities Jazz & Blues by the Bay (6/21/2013)
- Coming Up Sister Cities Jazz & Blues by the Bay (6/17/2013)
- Gondwana in San Francisco (6/8/2013)
- Tickets to See Gondwana, Chilean Reggae (6/4/2013)
- Gondwana, Chilean Reggae, Coming to San Francisco (6/3/2013)
- Wendy Kopp and Teach for All Panel at Stanford (5/30/2013)
- Chile for Google Maps Specialist (5/24/2013)
- Google Maps Outreach (5/23/2013)
- Encuetros 2013 at MIT in Boston (5/11/2013)
- Three Chilean Directors at SF International Film Festival (4/26/2013)
- Join the Women fm Via del Mar at Wellingtons (4/15/2013)
- Acadamy Award Nominee “NO” at Embarcadero Cinema (2/18/2013)
- “The Other Barrio” Fundraiser (2/4/2013)
- “The Pines” 7 Wines 7 Women 7 Dreams Sister Cities Celebration (1/25/2013)
- Meet the Women from Via del Mar at Sister Cities Event (1/21/2013)
- Save the Date 7 Wines 7 Women 7 Dreams Sister Cities Event (12/11/2012)
- Voz Collection Mapuche Inspired Eco Fashion (10/19/2012)
- Reception for Jose Miguel Gil and German von Appen in Sausalito (10/15/2012)
- Chilean Independece Day Celebration Update (9/25/2012)
- Bay Area Chilean Independence Day Events (9/12/2012)
- Chile Lindo’s Raffle Gift Basket for Sister Cities Event (8/10/2012)
- Direct from Chile Natalia Contesse and Rafael Manriquez (7/25/2012)
- Sausalito – Via del Mar Sister Cities First Annual Celebration (7/23/2012)
- Mexican Trobadour Alfonso Maya Back in SF (7/20/2012)
- Best of Roots Music Bay Area Jazz Legends (7/13/2012)
- A Memorable Encuentros 2011 at UC Berkeley (7/3/2012)
- Bay Area Jazz Legends Best of Roots Music (7/1/2012)
- Sausalito – Via Del Mar Sister at Jazz and Blues by the Bay (6/21/2012)
- Chico Trujillo & Bang Data Live in Santa Cruz (6/18/2012)
- Free Tickets to Gondwana Concert at Chile Lindo (6/2/2012)
- From Jamaica The Wailers join Gondwana at Mezzanine (5/29/2012)
- La Bohemia Productions Presents Pavel Urkiza featuring John Santos (5/22/2012)
- Festival Cultural Chileno in San Francisco (4/27/2012)
- Three Chilean Films at the SF International Film Festival (4/19/2012)
- Chile Lindo Makes the San Francisco Chronicle (3/8/2012)
- Today Catalina Claro and Friends (2/24/2012)
- Alexandra Tejeda Presents The Cabaret of Red and Blue (2/8/2012)
- Afro Peruvian Sazn with Mochi Parra (2/7/2012)
- Catalina Claro on Tour in the Bay Area (2/7/2012)
- Girl from Empanada in Sacramento (2/3/2012)
- 30th Encuentro del Canto Popular (11/29/2011)
- Back in Town Gondwana Concert (11/21/2011)
- Gabriela Mistral Retratos (11/21/2011)
- Guardianas de la Vida Music and Art Testimony (11/18/2011)
- Meet and Greet Mapuche Delegation from Chile (11/15/2011)
- Encuentros 2011 at UC Berkeley (11/10/2011)
- Encuentros 2011 Podcast (11/9/2011)
- Direct from Chile Horacio Salinas @ La Pea de Berkeley (11/4/2011)
- ARTasting Presents Local Artists (11/3/2011)
- ARTasting and Chile Lindo Invite You to an Eveninig of Live Jazz (10/26/2011)
- Isabel Allende in Conversation at The California Institute of Integral Studies (10/21/2011)
- Patagonia Rising Screening in SF and Berkeley (10/17/2011)
- Update Fiestas Patrias Events in California (9/14/2011)
- Chilean Independence Events in California (9/2/2011)
- Sesin Informativa en Santiago, Stanford MBA (9/1/2011)
- Saludos from Chile lindo (8/1/2011)
- Vino, Empan y a Bailar Cueca Brava (7/19/2011)
- Chilean Reggae? That’s Right! Gondwana (7/12/2011)
- Patagonia Rising Film Score by Axel Herrera, Chilean Bay Area Composer (6/2/2011)
- Patagonia Sin Represas A Matter of Global Concern (5/20/2011)
- News from Chile Lindo (4/6/2011)
- Chile Lindo Holiday Schedule (12/17/2010)
- Chile Lindo October E-Newsletter (10/2/2010)
- Chilean Independence Day and Bicentennial (9/17/2010)
- Chilean Independence 3 Day Block Party Celebration (9/17/2009)
- Nuestra Amiga Marina Lavalle: Afro-Peruvian Songstress (4/8/2009)